Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Check the news!

Ok, so I read Discover all the time and in the recent issue was an article about Underground Chemistry Labs.  The article was a good one, but I wanted to focus on a one Mr. Patrick Arnold, who almost single-handedly boosted the underground steroid trade.  What is interesting to note is that what really got him into trouble was that the company he was working in conjunction with, BALCO, was being investigated for tax evasion/fraud and that is how he got caught with his pants down so to say.  So, as I focused on that I had found some discrepancies between all the news outlets that I checked.  For example Discover, ESPN and CBS news all said that they raided his lab in Illinois, but NYDailynews said that they raided his home AND his business.  I think that this is interesting to note because I'm sure if the Feds wanted him that bad they would have raided both places as well, but why not mention it in the other news sources?  My only guess is that they couldn't find any real substantial evidence within the confines of his home so therefore it was not mentioned.  Another discrepancy that I found was that ESPN, CBS, and NYDailynews made it sound as if Patrick Arnold was the one going around selling his enhancements, whereas Discover reported that he never sold his own product, nor met with any of the clients, he sold it to distributors and that was the end of that, whereas the other three made it sound like Patrick Andrews was going out and actively recruiting everyone he sold to.  Those were really all the discrepancies that I found, the Discover article was all about the chemistry side of the story whereas the other three sources were all about what the cases and why they were being tried, but did give good information pertaining to what was used, drug wise, and what the circumstances were.

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