Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Twitting my Tweeps

So, the first twitter account that I have followed is Blizzard, the creators of Diablo I, II, and III, along with Starcraft I and II, with Warcraft I, II, III, Frozen Throne (which is and expansion for Warcraft III), and finally World of Warcraft.  I chose to follow Blizzard because of their business sense.  All of these games have huge followings of fans, but what is interesting to note is how each of these fans belong to one or the other and most usually do not mix the games, sometimes accompanied by resentment to the other games that come out.  But within this group of people, when one new Blizzard game or expansion comes out, there is curiosity and with this comes the purchase, with the reasoning "just to see."

The second person that I decided to follow was Margaret Weis.  I chose her because of her series Dragonlance that she has written (most of the Dragonlance are Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman), and are based off of DnD encounters that they had.  Now, why I chose them is because the series was originally debuted back in the '80's and has been going since then, with most of their books re-released, but there are new ones coming out too.  Definitely suggest them to any Fantasy readers, and have got to be one of the best series Fantasy wise!

1 comment:

  1. Those are good people to follow! I wish I had chosen more interesting ones now :) I liked your thoughts on Blizzard fans.
